Saving Facebook

Facebook, still the most popular social media platform, can be full of relevant information for your investigation. So chances are pretty high that you might want to export the friends list, make a screenshot of a post or maybe want to make a copy of the likes under a photo. In this blogpost we’ll give you some tips and tricks on how to ‘save’ your … Continue reading Saving Facebook

Viewing Social Media Profiles Without Being Logged on

There can be a number of reasons why you want to view a profile on a social media platform without being logged on. Maybe your current work role prohibits you from using sock puppets (research profiles) during your investigation, or maybe you’re afraid that there might be a risk of compromise. Whatever the reason may be, we’ve got some tips lined up for you to … Continue reading Viewing Social Media Profiles Without Being Logged on

Using Snapchat for OSINT – part 2

Snapchat is a very popular platform and it’s quite a challenge to use for investigative purposes. Especially because you need a mobile phone in order to dig a little deeper. The website Snapchat offers is simply just not comprehensive enough.So in this blog post you’ll find some hints and tips on how to use Snapchat for OSINT. First of all there is the website … Continue reading Using Snapchat for OSINT – part 2

What to do when a Facebook profile is private?

This blogpost is made after a 10minute video I made for the virtual conference OSMOSIS 2020 and was inspired @hatless1der blogpost. Probably every OSINT investigator has encountered this problem; you’ve found your targets Facebook profile but it is completely private. So what can you do? Clicking the buttons One of the ways to start is by ‘clicking the buttons’. On a Facebook-profile there are quite … Continue reading What to do when a Facebook profile is private?

aerial view earth exploration flying

When there is no Google Earth or Street View, what can you do?

When doing investigations in countries other than the one you reside in, it can be helpful to have social media to give you a view of what a certain place can look like. Although we can rely on tools like Google Earth, Bing’s Birds Eye View, Sentinel Hub and others to give us satellite imagery or street view, you can run into locations where there … Continue reading When there is no Google Earth or Street View, what can you do?

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Facebook: Classic vs New – Which is Better for OSINT?

As you might have noticed, Facebook is changing its design. Where some of us have the possibility to switch between the old and new layout, some of us are in the ‘New’ and have no option to switch back anymore. From September 2020, Facebook will only show you the New design. So for the couple of days left; which design is better for OSINT investigations? … Continue reading Facebook: Classic vs New – Which is Better for OSINT?