You Can Run, But You Can’t Hide

Guest blog post by Aleksander (@aleksanderrr_) and Intel Inquirer (@intel_inquirer) STRAVA is one of the worlds’ most popular social media platforms, used by more than 50 million people to monitor and share their cycling/running exercises. Since the platform’s initial launch in 2009, it has recorded more than 4 billion activity uploads and throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of new users have soared as people … Continue reading You Can Run, But You Can’t Hide

Basics of Breach Data

Guest blog by Rob Volkert In 2018 there were reportedly 1,244 data breaches totaling over 446 million exposed records, primarily targeting the business sector and health care fields. Cyber security systems may be growing more sophisticated, but so too are attacks designed to collect personal data. There may be a silver lining to breach data for those of us who conduct open source intelligence (OSINT) … Continue reading Basics of Breach Data

Basic OPSEC Tips & Tricks for OSINT researchers

Often i get asked if i’ve got some pointers and tools for OPSEC during online investigations. My primary answer would be first: I can’t give any tips or tradecraft pointers until I know what research questions you are trying to answer. In short, what is your threat model? First of all, one should know where the term OPSEC originates from. OPSEC stands for Operational Security … Continue reading Basic OPSEC Tips & Tricks for OSINT researchers

Clicking shit for OSINT curious purposes

Hi, my name is Dutch_OsintGuy. Why? Well… I am Dutch, I do OSINT and I am a Guy. I’ve been in the infosec field for over 20 years as an All Source Analyst specialized in Open Source Intelligence. I teach OSINT classes, give lectures and talks about OSINT. When I think of it, basically I just eat, sleep and breathe OSINT 24/7. Clicking shit Automatically … Continue reading Clicking shit for OSINT curious purposes