You Can Run, But You Can’t Hide

Guest blog post by Aleksander (@aleksanderrr_) and Intel Inquirer (@intel_inquirer) STRAVA is one of the worlds’ most popular social media platforms, used by more than 50 million people to monitor and share their cycling/running exercises. Since the platform’s initial launch in 2009, it has recorded more than 4 billion activity uploads and throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of new users have soared as people … Continue reading You Can Run, But You Can’t Hide

Won’t You Be My Neighbor: Zillow + State/County Property Assessor Data

Guest blog by Sarah Womer Have you ever looked at a residential property in the USA and wondered who owns it versus who lives there? Zillow provides a helpful user interface to find that out. In addition, the tool can sometimes provide information on whether the property is up to date on its property taxes, what the owner’s current mailing address is, where they may … Continue reading Won’t You Be My Neighbor: Zillow + State/County Property Assessor Data