Find Company Data With A Programmable Search Engine

Being able to find sensitive information about an organisation is a key skill for OSINT practitioners. Whether you’re doing recon for a phishing engagement or you’re an investigative journalist looking for documents, being able to filter out the noise and find useful information relating to companies and institutions is essential. Using Google dorks is a useful technique for filtering searches. For example, a dork to … Continue reading Find Company Data With A Programmable Search Engine

Corporate Reconnaissance

As an Open-source Intelligence professional you will undoubtedly be tasked with performing corporate reconnaissance at some point in your career. Corporate reconnaissance consists of investigating critical things such as contracts, financials, history, subsidiaries, organizational structure, governmental regulations, and third-party vendors. There are copious reasons an organization may request this kind of analysis be done on a competing company. However, more often than not the request … Continue reading Corporate Reconnaissance

Google Dorks

The term ‘Google dorks’ has been around for quite some years by now and is used for specific search queries that use Google’s search operators, combined with targeted parameters to find specific information. And in the webcast/podcast of early December we reached out to the listeners, to send us your favourite Google Dork. We grouped the dorks by the type of target information that it … Continue reading Google Dorks