Find Company Data With A Programmable Search Engine

Being able to find sensitive information about an organisation is a key skill for OSINT practitioners. Whether you’re doing recon for a phishing engagement or you’re an investigative journalist looking for documents, being able to filter out the noise and find useful information relating to companies and institutions is essential. Using Google dorks is a useful technique for filtering searches. For example, a dork to … Continue reading Find Company Data With A Programmable Search Engine

Basic OPSEC Tips & Tricks for OSINT researchers

Often i get asked if i’ve got some pointers and tools for OPSEC during online investigations. My primary answer would be first: I can’t give any tips or tradecraft pointers until I know what research questions you are trying to answer. In short, what is your threat model? First of all, one should know where the term OPSEC originates from. OPSEC stands for Operational Security … Continue reading Basic OPSEC Tips & Tricks for OSINT researchers