Viewing Social Media Profiles Without Being Logged on

There can be a number of reasons why you want to view a profile on a social media platform without being logged on. Maybe your current work role prohibits you from using sock puppets (research profiles) during your investigation, or maybe you’re afraid that there might be a risk of compromise. Whatever the reason may be, we’ve got some tips lined up for you to … Continue reading Viewing Social Media Profiles Without Being Logged on

Getting your sock puppet connections on LinkedIn

Guest blog by Michael Paulie. Throughout investigations, working ongoing missing persons cases with organizations like Trace Labs, or having fun with CTFs, LinkedIn can be a valuable source of information on people of interest.  Information including email addresses, phone numbers, work locations and friends, family, and colleagues are just some of the data that can be obtained to pivot off of.  However, unless you have … Continue reading Getting your sock puppet connections on LinkedIn